Field Events 2021
We are hoping to get back to Field events again this year.
Field events include: Turbo, Long Jump, Shot Putt (U10+), Javelin (u13+), High Jump (U12 +), Discus (U14+), Hammer (U14+), and Triple Jump (U14+)
Usually the club provides all equipment at training, unfortunately with Covid it would be difficult to have field event practice following current guidelines. To overcome this, we are asking that athletes interested in participating in Shot or Turbo to purchase their own equipment.
Turbo -€40
Shot – €10
Athletes should bring their labelled equipment to training weekly. Athletes are not allowed to share equipment. *Siblings can share equipment even if in different groups.
We will be placing an equipment order for 2021 soon. Last date for ordering is Sunday 16th of May.
Order taken at training. Please have the exact amount and put it in an envelope with your name, phone, equipment required and the money paid.
Many thanks
NOTE: If you would like to order anything else (discus, javelin, hammer) for your own home use please send us a message and we will see can we order it for you