Couch to 5K for Mums and Daughters

10th May 2020

couch to 5 k
Gowran AC are proud to launch our online Couch to 5k aimed at women and girls. As part of our pledge to support the Women and Girls in Sport  #20X20,  we are working with female coaches, athletes and club members to bring this exciting initiative to women and girls for free.

We hope that this initiative can offer a welcome distraction for our members, supporters, and followers during this difficult time.

As we can finally go 5k ….. why not run it with your family or share your training on our FB running group with those special friends who you can’t see at the moment.
The pressure is high at the moment with working from home and then add in school work & housework too!? We all deserve some time each day to re-energise, get out in the fresh air and make the most of our 5k freedom.

❤️ We would appreciate it, if our club members would share (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) our online Couch to 5K with your family, friends, and colleagues. #CantSeeCantBe

❤️Join us for our online Couch to 5k with free training plans, expert advice, and tips from female runners. Starting on the 18th of May for just 8 weeks. ❌#ShowYourStripes❌

❤️Signup at

We recommend this training plan for secondary school children and older but younger children could accompany Mum on a bike or scooter. We hope that some of you will signup and join us on this fitness journey!

Many Thanks,

Gowran AC Team

NOTE: We recommend that all our athletes adhere to current government covid19 guidelines especially:
– run within 5k of home
– only run with members of your household